UCLA CFAR Humanized Mouse Core

The overall goal of this Core laboratory is to provide the infrastructure, materials, animals, technical expertise and support that will facilitate the use of humanized …

UCLA Mouse Physiology Laboratory

The Mouse Physiology Laboratory is dedicated to the phenotypic assessment of mouse and rat models of disease using a wide variety of integrative approaches. Our …

UCLA Preclinical Imaging Center

The Crump Institute’s Preclinical Imaging Technology Center, located on the main campus of UCLA in the California NanoSystems Institute, advances state-of-the-art small animal imaging. It …

UCI In-Vivo Functional Onco-Imaging

The In-Vivo Functional Onco-Imaging (IVFOI) shared resource supports basic and clinical cancer researchers by providing them with the necessary expertise, imaging instrumentation, and image analysis …

UCSD Drug Development Pipeline

Provides in vitro and in vivo DMPK studies, including microsomal and hepatocyte metabolic stability; CYP inhibition and induction; pharmacokinetics; permeability; physicochemical characterization. https://cddi.ucsd.edu/ucsd-drug-development-pipeline Dr. Jeremiah …