The overall goal of this Core laboratory is to provide the infrastructure, materials, animals, technical expertise and support that will facilitate the use of humanized …
UCSD Drug Development Pipeline
Provides in vitro and in vivo DMPK studies, including microsomal and hepatocyte metabolic stability; CYP inhibition and induction; pharmacokinetics; permeability; physicochemical characterization. Dr. Jeremiah …
UC Davis Comparative Pathology Laboratory
The mission of the Comparative Pathology Laboratory (CPL) is to provide laboratory animal biologists and basic discovery researchers the highest quality analytical data related to …
UC Davis Bioanalytical and Pharmacokinetics Core
Understanding drug metabolism (DM), pharmacokinetics (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) is essential for the development of new therapeutics, which requires accurate and reliable quantification of drugs/metabolites …
UCSF Cancer Center Preclinical Therapeutics Core
The UCSF Preclinical Therapeutics Core (PTC) facility generates tumor-bearing animals and conducts preclinical oncology trials for UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center investigators. Offering …