The Molecular Screening Shared Resource (MSSR) offers high throughput screening (HTS) services for drug discovery, chemical and functional genomics. Supported are all readouts including high …
UCLA Pasarow Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
The UCLA Pasarow Mass Spectrometry Laboratory is an intellectually vibrant group dedicated to the advancement of the science and training of students through innovative research …
UCLA CFAR Clinical Research Facilitation Core
About: The Mission of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)-Charles Drew University (CDU) CFAR is to stop HIV in Los Angeles County and beyond …
UCLA Behavioral Testing Core
Facilities and expertise in the design, implementation, and analysis of behavioral experiments in mice and rats. Services include: Light-Dark Box, Open Field, Elevated Plus Maze, …
UCLA CFAR Humanized Mouse Core
The overall goal of this Core laboratory is to provide the infrastructure, materials, animals, technical expertise and support that will facilitate the use of humanized …
UCLA Mouse Physiology Laboratory
The Mouse Physiology Laboratory is dedicated to the phenotypic assessment of mouse and rat models of disease using a wide variety of integrative approaches. Our …
UCLA Immune Assessment Core (IAC)
The Immune Assessment Core (IAC) is a CLIA certified laboratory (#045D0642433) providing comprehensive immunological testing services for basic, clinical, and translational studies. The IAC provides …
UCLA Macro-Scale Imaging Lab
The Advanced Light Microscopy/Spectroscopy Shared Facility is assembling a comprehensive collection of instrumentation for macro-scale molecular imaging using fluorescence, near-infrared, life-time and time-gated imaging modalities. …
UCLA Preclinical Imaging Center
The Crump Institute’s Preclinical Imaging Technology Center, located on the main campus of UCLA in the California NanoSystems Institute, advances state-of-the-art small animal imaging. It …
UCLA J.D. McCullough Crystallography Laboratory (MIC)
For more than 40 years the J.D. McCullough Laboratory of X-ray Crystallography has been in operation, providing 3-dimensional structure of small molecules in solid crystals …