The Molecular Screening Shared Resource (MSSR) offers high throughput screening (HTS) services for drug discovery, chemical and functional genomics. Supported are all readouts including high …
UCLA Pasarow Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
The UCLA Pasarow Mass Spectrometry Laboratory is an intellectually vibrant group dedicated to the advancement of the science and training of students through innovative research …
UCLA Behavioral Testing Core
Facilities and expertise in the design, implementation, and analysis of behavioral experiments in mice and rats. Services include: Light-Dark Box, Open Field, Elevated Plus Maze, …
UCLA CFAR Humanized Mouse Core
The overall goal of this Core laboratory is to provide the infrastructure, materials, animals, technical expertise and support that will facilitate the use of humanized …
UCLA Mouse Physiology Laboratory
The Mouse Physiology Laboratory is dedicated to the phenotypic assessment of mouse and rat models of disease using a wide variety of integrative approaches. Our …
UCLA Immune Assessment Core (IAC)
The Immune Assessment Core (IAC) is a CLIA certified laboratory (#045D0642433) providing comprehensive immunological testing services for basic, clinical, and translational studies. The IAC provides …
UCLA Macro-Scale Imaging Lab
The Advanced Light Microscopy/Spectroscopy Shared Facility is assembling a comprehensive collection of instrumentation for macro-scale molecular imaging using fluorescence, near-infrared, life-time and time-gated imaging modalities. …
UCLA Preclinical Imaging Center
The Crump Institute’s Preclinical Imaging Technology Center, located on the main campus of UCLA in the California NanoSystems Institute, advances state-of-the-art small animal imaging. It …
UCI In-Vivo Functional Onco-Imaging
The In-Vivo Functional Onco-Imaging (IVFOI) shared resource supports basic and clinical cancer researchers by providing them with the necessary expertise, imaging instrumentation, and image analysis …
UC Davis West Coast Metabolomics Center (WCMC)
The West Coast Metabolomics Center (WCMC), located at the University of California, is at the forefront of metabolomic innovation and service. They help researchers at …