The Molecular Screening Shared Resource (MSSR) offers high throughput screening (HTS) services for drug discovery, chemical and functional genomics. Supported are all readouts including high …
UCLA Pasarow Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
The UCLA Pasarow Mass Spectrometry Laboratory is an intellectually vibrant group dedicated to the advancement of the science and training of students through innovative research …
UC Davis Bioanalytical and Pharmacokinetics Core
Understanding drug metabolism (DM), pharmacokinetics (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) is essential for the development of new therapeutics, which requires accurate and reliable quantification of drugs/metabolites …
UCSF Cancer Center Preclinical Therapeutics Core
The UCSF Preclinical Therapeutics Core (PTC) facility generates tumor-bearing animals and conducts preclinical oncology trials for UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center investigators. Offering …