UCLA Pasarow Mass Spectrometry Laboratory

The UCLA Pasarow Mass Spectrometry Laboratory is an intellectually vibrant group dedicated to the advancement of the science and training of students through innovative research and educational endeavors. As of January 2009 there are eight full-time members including two faculty, two senior technicians, two post docs, one Ph.D. students and one of undergraduate, in addition to numerous other UCLA faculty, staff and students who make frequent use of the facility and the in-house expertise. Our publication record is easily accessed via the web using Whitelegge, JP as search descriptors. NSF and NIH Shared Instrument Grants over the past few years had led to the acquisition of several new instruments that complete the suite of available instrumentation. The availability of electron impact (EI), chemical (CI), atmospheric chemical ionization (APCI) and electrospray (ESI) ionization methods together in one facility is a feature of this Laboratory that is vital to the variety of chemical and biochemical research at UCLA. The Laboratory is also equipped a range of modern equipment necessary for the successful operation of a wet biochemical laboratory, including gas (capillary) and liquid chromatography (analytical, micro- and nano-bore) capability and gel electrophoresis.

The PMSL currently houses five mass spectrometers, used for the structural determination and quantification of a wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds.


Julian Whitelegge
[email protected]