UCLA Magnetic Resonance (MIC)

The Magnetic Resonance Laboratory consists of six nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers (NMR) and one electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer (EPR). Users of the facility usually run …


Access to NMR technology for both UCSD and external users. Users can collect their own data, facility staff can do it all for you, or …

UCLA Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (MIC)

The UCLA MIC Mass Spectrometry Laboratory provides a wide range of sample characterization techniques for UCLA researchers. Ionization methods currently available include electron impact (EI), …

UCI Biostatistics Shared Resource

The Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSR) supports the conception, design, implementation, analysis and reporting of research conducted by members of the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. …

UCSD Screening Core

The UCSD Screening Core provides infrastructure and consulting expertise for the development and implementation of screening assays in small, medium and high-throughput scale. The Screening …

UCLA Mitochondria and Metabolism Core

The Mitochondria and Metabolism Core at UCLA provides the scientific community with the necessary technical and conceptual resources for studying mitochondrial function. We provide access …

UCSF Small Molecule Discovery Center

The SMDC collaborates with academics, government labs, and pharma companies to develop unique chemical probes and drug leads, using high-throughput screening, high-content imaging, fragment discovery, …