UCLA CFAR Clinical Research Facilitation Core

Thank you for visiting the CFAR Clinical Research Facilitation Core. The core began as a CFAR service core to assist junior and senior faculty with regulatory submissions in 2006. Since then, we have added a number of services including a wider array of regulatory assistance which includes, but is not limited to, IRB, IBC (biosafety), JCCC (cancer studies), and MRSC (radiation procedures) applications.

The Core aims to minimize regulatory delays, which can affect study start up, due to questions or concerns about the regulatory process and/or requirements. Information on how to minimize these delays are shared with investigators via one-on-one consultation and through seminars provided to investigators and staff to increase knowledge of regulatory pitfalls and procedures.

For more information about obtaining regulatory assistance via the Clinical Research Facilitation Core, contact us at:

Phone: (310) 598-3279

Email: [email protected]
