
The development of UC Core was sponsored through an Opportunity Grant from the Office of the President of the University of California. We are very grateful for this support that has enabled us to build the first task centric compendium for drug discovery resources.

University of California | Office of The President

We are also grateful for the input of our collaborators in the drug discovery space around the University of California. Right now the compendium covers the five medical campuses, and we are hoping to soon expand to the entire University of California.

UC-wide Drug Discovery: UC DDC
University of California Biomedical, Research, Acceleration, Integration, & Development (UC BRAID)

For any inquiries in regards to UC Core, please contact:

Robert D. Damoiseaux, PhD
Director of the Molecular Screening Shared Resource (MSSR) at UCLA
Professor in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology at UCLA
Phone: 310-794-1974
Email: [email protected]