UCLA Magnetic Resonance (MIC)

The Magnetic Resonance Laboratory consists of six nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers (NMR) and one electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer (EPR). Users of the facility usually run …

UCLA Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (MIC)

The UCLA MIC Mass Spectrometry Laboratory provides a wide range of sample characterization techniques for UCLA researchers. Ionization methods currently available include electron impact (EI), …

UCLA X-Ray Crystallography (DOE)

The mission of the UCLA X-ray Crystallography Core Facility is to provide state-of-the-art resources to researchers at UCLA., enabling the detailed 3-D analysis of biological …

UCLA Zebrafish

The purpose of the newly finished Zebrafish Core is to facilitate the use and quick access of common mutations, genetically engineered transgenic zebrafish and routine …

UCLA Mitochondria and Metabolism Core

The Mitochondria and Metabolism Core at UCLA provides the scientific community with the necessary technical and conceptual resources for studying mitochondrial function. We provide access …