UCLA Zebrafish

The purpose of the newly finished Zebrafish Core is to facilitate the use and quick access of common mutations, genetically engineered transgenic zebrafish and routine …

UCLA Mitochondria and Metabolism Core

The Mitochondria and Metabolism Core at UCLA provides the scientific community with the necessary technical and conceptual resources for studying mitochondrial function. We provide access …

UCI Laser Spectroscopy

The facility incorporates a variety of pulsed and continuous wave laser systems. In general, our pulsed laser systems are tunable through the use of optical …

UCI Optical Biology Core Facility

The Optical Biology Core (OBC) operates under the theme that technology enables discovery. Consequently, the goal of the OBC is to provide the best conventional …

UCSF Small Molecule Discovery Center

The SMDC collaborates with academics, government labs, and pharma companies to develop unique chemical probes and drug leads, using high-throughput screening, high-content imaging, fragment discovery, …